AImpact Scan • AI Consulting • Custom AI Scoping & Pricing

Custom AI, OpenAI & ChatGPT Consulting Solutions » AImpact Scan AI Consulting and Custom Scoping & Pricing

AImpact Scan
AI Consulting and Custom AI Solutions

At Airlock, we don’t want you to you have to understand AI well enough to know, or even ask, how it can help you. That’s okay – we do. Or you might have a strong understanding, with specific ideas to explore. Cool, we’re on your wavelength.

Initial Consultation

Where we develop an understanding of your business, including your pain points, goals, and current processes.

  • What symptoms are you experiencing that are slowing you down, or stopping inertia? This is often redundancies, inefficiencies, or frustrations you or your team notice. This can be a small as how a form on your website gets processed to how you pitch your services to confusion new employees have.
  • If you have some idea how AI and automating processes might help, great! We’ll start there.
  • If not – great! We’ll start there. Understanding your problems helps us to shape a way forward.

Education and Awareness

We’ll provide a basic understanding of ways we think AI and automation could help, introducing some potential solutions.

Required from you:

  • An initial conversation of around an hour
  • Desire to proceed

Investment: No Cost

Problem Definition and Needs Assessment

With our initial consultation in mind, we’ll clearly define specific problems and identify opportunities where AI can add value.

  • We’ll collaborate with you and stakeholders to pinpoint pain points and areas for AI integration, like automating tasks, improving decision-making or improving customer experiences.
  • We typically work with Leadership, Operations and Marketing and Sales departments. We’ll interview stakeholders in your chosen departments to discuss symptoms you’ve identified in our initial consultation.
  • With a broad understanding in mind, we’ll deliver a Solution Exploration document, which will itemize and prioritize a technical path forward. This document will include pricing if you’d like to engage us to develop the solutions. Alternatively, you’re welcome to take our document and put others to work on the ideas.

Required from you:

  • Access to key stakeholders
  • A meeting of one-two hours to walk you through the Solutions Exploration document

Deliverable: Solutions Exploration

Timeline: 2-4 weeks, depending on priorities and stakeholder availability

Investment: $2997*

Scope Definition

With our Solutions Exploration in hand, we’ll get to work developing your custom AI solutions. *If you continue with us, the $2997 from this earlier deliverable is rolled into this scope.**

  • We’ll determine project milestones, technologies and deliverables
  • Working with you, we’ll prioritize a production schedule, adopting timelines, budgets and expected outcomes already laid out in the Solutions Exploration document previously delivered
  • This phase might include pilot projects or proof-of-concept initiatives.

Required from you:

  • Resources to consider and decide on scope
  • Sign off

Deliverable: Custom AI Project Scope

Timeline: 1-3 Days after Solutions Exploration

Investment: No cost

**Minimum invoice of $5000. In under $5000, a 25% discount will be applied.


With Project Scope agreed upon, we’ll get to work

Required from you:

  • TBD
  • 50% of project invoice, TBD

Deliverable: TBD from Project Scope

Overall Timeline: TBD. Plan for 5-12 weeks initial timeline.
Overall Investment: TBD. Plan for $5,000-10,000 initial budget.