AI Content Remix Scoping & Pricing

AI Content and Knowledge Optimization » AI Content Remix Scoping & Pricing

AI Content Remix Development Process

AI Content Remix from Airlock AI is designed to revitalize and optimize your existing content assets. Leveraging advanced AI tools, we breathe new life into underused marketing materials like old blog posts, documents, videos, and sales collateral. Our service ensures your content is aligned with current business objectives, enhancing your content’s ROI, streamlining creation processes, and maintaining a compelling, consistent message across all platforms.

AI Content Remix is typically a done-for-you service, once or as needed, for a set price. Optional services can incur a monthly recurring charge for content management. The final pricing will hinge on the specific scope of your project. Factors influencing this include the complexity of your content strategy, how many existing resources you have that will be involved in creating updated content, how many and what kinds of new content you’ll be looking for, and what applications or platforms you’ll be using your new content on.

One-time development fees range from $997-$9997 or higher, with potential monthly recurring charges of $197-$997 or higher.

That’s a broad range! Most businesses can expect one-time development fees of $1997-$3997. Most businesses don’t use us for monthly content management (as they have their own management people). Those that do typically incur monthly charges of $397-$597.

  • After an initial conversation with you we’ll review your existing content, determine in broad-strokes the outcomes you’re looking for, and how we can help you achieve those outcomes. We’ll put all this together in a scoping document. This process is free of charge. We want you to be able to envision outcomes.
  • You’re in charge of scope and you’ll know what your investments will be before we get busy building your AI. No surprises.

Keep reading for how the entire process works, including what impacts pricing.

AI Content Remix development consists of several stages:

  • Pre-Production
    • Strategy and Scope
    • Resources Research
    • Marketing Role
  • Production
    • Resources Retrieval
    • AI Training
    • Draft Development and Delivery
    • Development and Delivery
  • Optional Post-Production
    • Optional Deployment and Management


Strategy and Scope

Where we will, after an initial conversation with you, identify modern business imperatives for your content marketing. From lead generation search optimization, we define what you want to achieve.

  • Do you want fresh blog posts? And social media posts? Scripts for videos? Ebooks or downloadable offers?
  • What keywords do you want to optimize for with new blog posts?
  • Our content marketing framework makes this an easy and fun exercise, and we’ll make recommendations along the way. If you already have a content strategy in place, we’ll align our efforts to it.
  • If you have no content strategy or the idea is new to you, we can make that among our Marketing Roles (more below).
  • The more and more diverse new pieces of content you want, the higher the investment.

Resources Research

With your guidance, we perform a cursory review of your existing materials. This can involve your YouTube channel, podcasts, sales sheets or white papers, old blog posts and more.

  • We’ll broadly review what you already have and where it exists.
  • We’ll cross reference these materials with the defined strategic imperatives to establish outcomes, timelines and production workflows.
  • The more complex your content strategy is, the higher the investment.
  • The more assets and resources you have, the higher the investment.

Marketing Role

With outcomes in mind, we define the Marketing Role you’d like us to play:

  • We can act as Content Strategists to help you shape strategic imperatives as part of your overall marketing.
  • We can create and deliver your remixed content and you take it from there.
  • We can create and deliver your remixed content and we publish or schedule to publish to your website.
  • We can create and deliver your remixed content, publish or schedule to publish to your website, and publish or schedule to publish to your LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram
  • The more involved you’d like us to be, the higher the investment.

Required from you:

  • An initial conversation of around an hour
  • Links to existing repositories of content like Google drive folders, urls for videos, etc.
  • An understanding of the marketing role you envision us playing for you
  • Sign-off

Deliverable: Scoping Document

Timeline: 1-2 days

Investment: No Cost

With agreement on the Scoping Document, 50% of invoice paid starts the project.


Resources Retrieval

Where we access your existing content and ready it for remixing

  • We’ll retrieve existing posts, documents, PDFs and other text-based assets
  • Experiential resources like podcasts, videos, webinars or lectures, etc. will be transcribed.
  • Any brand style guides or other “voice” guidance you can share, we’ll incorporate. If nothing like this exists, we’ll determine this with you before we train our AI.

Required from you:

  • Access to existing assets
  • Patience and support as we retrieve assets

Timeline: 1-3 days (sometimes longer with significant or complex resources)

AI Training

Where we analyze and organize your resources

  • With the strategy and scope in mind, we train our AI systems to understand relationships between existing resources
  • AI establishes those relationships in context of established strategic imperatives for your content strategy
  • A “content map” is generated to visualize new flow of content.
  • Your sign-off keeps the project moving.

Required from you:

  • Patience and support as we analyze and organize your assets
  • Email collaboration as we share development
  • Sign-off

Deliverable: Content Map

Timeline: 3-5 days (sometimes longer with significant or complex existing resources)

Draft Development & Delivery

Where we create a few new pieces of content so we can iterate together before larger development

  • A mix of AI, human-in-the-loop and copywriters create a few pieces of new content according to the Content Map.
  • One or two blog posts are written, search engine optimized for keywords established in Strategy
  • One or two social media posts, if created, are optimized for hashtags established in Strategy.
  • One or two other new pieces of content, per the project scope, is created and organized
  • Content is prepped and delivered, typically via folders in our Google Drive.
  • This is your opportunity to provide feedback on the drafts, coordinating on any changes or shifts required for the rest of development.
  • Changes or shifts should remain in scope, or we’ll be happy to revise scope.

Required from you:

  • Patience and support as we develop your new content
  • Email collaboration as we share development

  • A meeting of about 30 minutes together as we walk you through drafts
  • Your feedback and/or approval to continue developing the rest of your content

Deliverable: Several draft pieces of new content

Timeline: 3-5 days

Development & Delivery

With approval after your feedback of drafts, we create and organize your new, remixed content at large scale

  • A mix of AI, human-in-the-loop and copywriters create new content according to the Content Map.
  • Blog posts are written, search engine optimized for keywords established in Strategy
  • Social media posts, if created, are optimized for hashtags established in Strategy.
  • Other new content, per the project scope, is created and organized
  • The more content created, as established in the strategy and scope, the higher the investment.
  • Content is prepped and delivered, typically via folders in our Google Drive.

Required from you:

  • Patience and support as we develop your new content
  • Email collaboration as we share development
  • Final 50% of invoice paid

Deliverable: Final Content

Timeline: 7-10 Days (sometimes longer with significant or complex amounts of new content)

Overall Timeline: 2-4 weeks (sometimes longer, depending on complexity)
Overall Investment to go from ideation to installation:
  • Starting at $997, up to $9997 or higher
  • Amount and complexity, as indicated in all earlier steps, impact pricing
  • Most businesses are between $1997 and $3997. We’ll establish this together early in the process. No surprises.


Optional Deployment and Management

We can hand your content off to your team, ready for deployment. Or, we can fully manage the publishing and scheduling of your new content.

  • We’ll publish or schedule to publish to your website
  • We’ll publish or schedule to publish to your LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, we can create graphics for your new social media posts.
  • The more content you have, the more frequent the social media posts, and the more graphic design you require, the higher the monthly investment

Required from you:

  •  Admin credentials to your website
  • Admin credentials to your desired social media platforms

Timeline: Once, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly or Bespoke

Monthly Investment:
  • Starting at $197, up to $997 or higher
  • Cadence, frequency, and design requirements as indicated, impact pricing
  • Most businesses are between $397 and $597/month. We’ll establish this together early in the process. No surprises.
  • No long-term commitments. You can stop anytime with 60 days notice.
  • Preferential pricing for semi-annual or annual payments.

Questions? Answers.

What types of content can be remixed through the AI Content Remix service?

Our AI Content Remix service can revitalize a wide range of content including old blog posts, documents, videos, sales collateral and much more. We can handle various formats from text-based documents to multimedia like videos and podcasts.

How does the AI Content Remix service align old content with current business objectives?

After an initial review of your existing materials, we define modern business imperatives for your content and align the remixed content with these objectives, ensuring it contributes effectively to your current marketing strategies.

Do I own my new content? Am I somehow giving away ownership of old or existing content?

Yes, you retain full ownership of all new content created as well as your existing content when using the AI Content Remix service. At no point do you relinquish ownership or control of your original materials. Our service simply helps to enhance and repurpose your existing content to better meet your current business goals, without any transfer of ownership rights.

Can the AI operate in multiple languages?

Presently our capabilities are limited to US English.

Can I use somebody else's content, like a competitor’s, and remix it so it's more unique to me?

No, you cannot use someone else’s content, such as a competitor’s, for remixing to make it unique to your brand. Our service operates on the principle that all content provided by our clients is their own and they have the rights to use it. We trust that you will share only assets you own, and we are not liable for any repercussions stemming from the unauthorized use of content not owned by you. Our goal is to help you enhance and optimize your existing content while ensuring all legal and ethical standards are maintained.

What is involved in the AI training process for the AI Content Remix service?

Our AI is trained to understand the relationships between your existing resources and the newly defined business goals. This involves creating a content map that guides the development of remixed content, ensuring it is strategically aligned and optimized. Additionally, the AI is trained to reflect your unique brand style or voice.

Can I be involved in the content remixing process?

Absolutely. Your involvement is crucial, especially during the initial strategy and scope definition, and when providing feedback on draft content. Your insights and approvals drive the direction and scope of the remixed content.

Will the new content "sound like me" or our brand? Will it reflect our tone of voice or style of communicating?

Yes, the new content will reflect your brand’s unique voice and style. We’ll use any brand or style guides you provide and reference your existing materials to ensure the content aligns with your communication style. During the Draft Development phase, you’ll have the opportunity to review and fine-tune the style and voice of the content to ensure it perfectly matches your brand’s tone. This collaborative approach helps us create content that truly sounds like it came from you.

What might I expect to pay to outsource content creation and management for similar outcomes as AI Content Remix?

For comprehensive content creation and management services that include blog writing, social media post creation, and social media management, a realistic monthly price high-quality production would typically be in the range of $4,000 to $7,000. This would cover a dedicated team managing content strategy, production, and distribution across multiple platforms, ensuring quality and consistency in line with your brand’s objectives.

What does the final delivery of remixed content include?

The final delivery includes a variety of remixed content such as optimized blog posts, social media posts, and potentially other content types depending on your project’s scope. This content is prepared and delivered in an organized manner, typically via digital folders.

Is there ongoing support or management available after content is remixed?

Yes, we offer optional deployment and management services post-production. This can include scheduling and publishing the remixed content on various platforms like your website and social media, as well as continuous management according to your needs.